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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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beheading at, 89; woman burned
in, 284 (1), 289 (4) Wetherall, John, 206 whale, the, and Jonah, 69 (12); a
great, caught at Greenwich in 1658,
437 wheelbarrow, a scold carried in a, 76
when as, when, 73 (3), 285 (5), etc.
where as, where, 6 (14), 15 (12), 50 (3)» H5 (0» 29l (9)5 whereupon, 87(15)
whiff, a, draught of wine, 168 (16)
whipper, the, 40 (2)
whipping as a punishment, 204 (10), 222
whipping-cheer, ballad on, 39
white, the, bull's-eye of a target,
257 (3) White Lion, the, 223 n.
Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode, 276
white-pot, a, 346 (9)
whoot, variant of hoot, 192 (5)
wich, see witch
Wicked Will, his sauce to Turner, 31
widows, satires on, 229, 235, 239, 263
wife, a, Nobody on choosing, 263
Willoughby de Eresby, Lord, 417 (8)
Wiltshire, a father in, beguiles his son,
310(2) wimble, a, gimlet, 272 (4) Windebank, Sir Francis, 248 Windham (Wymondham), Norfolk,
burning of, 54 Windsor, Mr Holt of, murdered,
432; Woolner of, 342 winion, with a, 272 (5)
winters, sixteen (used of age), 312 (9)
Wise, John, 387
wisp, a, handful of straw, the sign of
a scold or "a shameless callet" (cf.
3 Henry VI, 11, ii, 144) 76 (13) wit, a countryman's attempt to buy,
244 witch, a, male conjurer, 279 (6) witches, ballad and pamphlets on, 96 woe worth, interj., may woe come to,
55 (4)>.3°3 (11), 426 (5) Wood, Nicholas, 342 wooden horse, a, to ride, i.e. to ride a
rail, 14 (9) Woolner of Windsor, 342 words, to eat one's, 334 (9) worser, 79 (4), 87 (13) Worwell, Cheshire, 438 wrack, to, rack, torment, 371 (3) wrackt, wrecked, 46 (3) wrested (of laws), misapplied, falsely
administered, 146 (3) Wright, Jane, murder of, 249 Wright, Robert, 248 wrought, worked (like iron), 230 (2) wl, with, 346 (9) Wymondham. See Windham
ye (yee), the, 106 (3), 167 (6), 381
(4), etc. ympes, see imp
Yonge, Walter, diary of, no, 150 yonkers, younkers, young people, 402
(7), 452 (3) yt, that, 241 (10), 301 (2), 345 (7),
etc. yu, thou, 208 (1)
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